Experiencing decision fatigue?

Hi Friends!

Do you ever wish someone would just tell you what to do? One study recently showed that on average women make up to 35,000 decisions A DAY! No wonder we are a little tired each night!

You know it’s bad when a simple question like, “What’s for dinner?” makes you want to scream or run away and hide, right? We are faced with a lot of choices each day, big and small. When that starts to feel confusing or overwhelming it’s easy to forget what a GIFT it is that we get to choose.

Our agency, our right to choose, is quite possibly our greatest gift. How are we going to use it?

President Nelson said, “Contention is a choice. Peacemaking is a choice. You have your agency to choose contention or reconciliation. I urge you to choose to be a peacemaker, now and always.”

We can use our agency to increase personal and cultural peace, and even beyond that point, the Prophet’s words here emphasize the truth that it is our responsibility to use our agency for good. We have the power!

So, what does that look like? How can we work to use our agency wisely? How do we navigate cloudy choices and combat the overwhelm that can come from making decisions? Let’s talk about it!

Feel Better in 5! How to feel empowered through agency.

  • Follow Christ!

    • Following the teachings of Christ and keeping the commandments actually leads to an increase in our freedom to exercise agency.

  • See the gift.

    • Decision fatigue is real and can make the gift of choice feel like an overwhelming burden. Zoom out and remember that our agency is a powerful gift we get to practice using!

  • Take accountability.

    • We won’t always make the right choice, and that’s ok! But it is up to us to take ownership of our choices AND recognize that we do always have a choice.

  • Choose to serve!

    • As we choose to use our time and energy to serve others our choices will naturally align with Christ, and we will feel empowered to keep choosing the good.

  • Shake it off.

    • We will make the wrong choice, we will react poorly, and we will screw up! Take the pressure off trusting in the power of the Atonement and in the knowing that we are here to learn and grow.

      Agency is something to be exercised, practiced, and celebrated!


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