Something for when we feel lonely or forgotten

Hello Friends!

You know that feeling of being left out? Or maybe when we are technically included but still feel like outsiders or like we don’t belong? Feeling forgotten, left out, or like people don’t really see us can be extremely painful, and one thing is certain—we aren’t alone in feeling alone!

The reality of mortality is that we are going to feel alone at times. In fact, we will likely be excluded at one point or another. Due to our humanity, it can even be assumed that we will be the ones excluding or hurting someone else despite our best intentions. We must not let this understanding prevent us from accepting the greatest gift of our reality which is-

As divine children of God, we are never, ever, alone.

Through the miracle of the atonement, we never have to suffer alone. We never have to believe that no one else has ever felt this way. We never have to face something on our own. Christ can be our constant companion, comforter, and cheerleader! The wholeness and belonging that come through our relationship with Christ is something no mortal circumstance can match.

When we yearn to feel seen, we can start by seeing Him.

In her talk in the most recent General Conference, Tracy Y. Browning testified of the power in letting Christ guide our steps and shared practical ways we can see more of Christ in. our everyday lives.

“Where we look for Him we will find Him-each and every day.”—Tracy Y. Browning

Here are a few ways we can look for Christ when we feel alone or forgotten.

Things for when we feel alone. Feel better in 5!

1 - The wholeness and belonging felt through Christ can’t be matched through mortal circumstances. See Him first.

2 - Notice Christ’s companionship. “We are invited to see our lives through him in order to see more of Him in our lives.”- Tracy Y. Browning

3 - We can trust the Spirit to help us “see things as they are” and calm spiraling thoughts that are not true. Jacob 4:13

4 - Intentionally look for and notice Christ’s hand in the day, every day. It is always there when we take the time to look. We are never alone!

5 - When we yearn to feel seen, we can start by seeing Christ.

Like any skill or habit worth cultivating, seeing Christ in our lives, and accepting His love, support, and companionship takes work and practice. But unlike anything else, Christ is perfect in our relationship with Him. He can be fully trusted to show up and show us the way.



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