Have you ever felt nervous to stand firm in your faith?

Hello Friends!

Have you ever wondered why peer pressure is a topic discussed as an exclusively teenage problem? It might start then but aren’t we all still dealing with pressure to follow popular culture and cave to social trends? It feels like no amount of life experience exempts you from peer pressure in some form.

Faith has always required courage, but it seems like it’s requiring more and more in our world. President Nelson articulated it so well when he said, “we are presently living in what surely is a most complicated time in the history of the world.”

We don’t just become immune to the pressures and expectations surrounding us when we hit adulthood—we have to be intentional about choosing faith and building the courage to defend it! More now than ever we must find ways to strengthen our faith, build resiliency in our choice to follow Christ, and work to share His light regardless of the circumstances surrounding us.

President Nelson continued to testify that, “despite the distractions and distortions that swirl around us, you can find true rest—meaning relief and peace—even amid your most vexing problems” as we work to overcome the world and prioritize Christ.

So how do we do it? How do we gain confidence and determination to live differently at times than those around us? How do we have the courage to choose light when the darkness starts to feel consuming? How do we navigate peer pressure as grown-ups!? Here are a few things that might help!

Things to help us have courage to live differently. Feel better in 5!

  1.   Remember who you are!

    a. The pedigree of your spirit can be written on a single line. You are a child of God! -Boyd K. Packer

  2. Trust that you never stand alone.

    a.  Satan relies on the perception of isolation created through us hiding our troubles, struggles, and doubts in shame. In reality, we are never alone, and our problems are more common than we will ever fully understand.

  3. Believe in the power of Christ.

    a.  The discomfort and even the pain that can come from going against the grain and standing firm in our faith is known by Christ. Because He experienced it, He can guide us through it. He can be our unchangeable strength and peace.

  4. Embrace resistance.

    a.  When life feels hard it’s not because you are doing something wrong, it’s because resistance is essential in our growth and joy! “Living in convenience does not bring power.” -Michelle Craig

  5. Magnify joy!

    a.  True faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ brings deep, full joy into our lives. Don’t miss the miracle by getting bogged down in the check lists and restrictions. Celebrate and share the peace, joy, and light that faith creates for you!

“When I stumble, I will keep getting up, relying on the grace and enabling power of Jesus Christ. Arm in arm with you, I want to stand with Him forever. Wholehearted. Knowing that when we love Jesus Christ with all our hearts, He gives us all in return.” -Michelle Craig

Let’s have the courage to live differently!


Things to help us cultivate connection


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